Currency The currency of Mexico is the Mexican Peso (MXN; symbol M$) = 100 centavos. Notes are in denominations of M$1,000, 500, 200, 100, 50 and 20. Coins are in denominations of M$10, 5, 2 and 1, and 50 and 20 centavos.Note: The M$1,000 and M$500 notes can be difficult to change and are sometimes not accepted.BankingBanking hours: Monday-Friday 09h00-16h00; some banks are open longer hours and others are open on Saturday mornings.Mastercard, Visa and American Express cards are generally accepted by businesses catering to tourists, such as car rental agencies, airlines, some bus lines and higher-end hotels, shops and restaurants. (Credit companies add a surcharge of around 5% for foreign transactions.) At humbler establishments you’ll need pesos to make purchases.ATMs on the Cirrus and Plus networks are easily found in cities and towns throughout Mexico, dispensing pesos for holders of both debit and credit cards. ATMs and credit cards mean traveller’s cheques are less necessary as a means of carrying money than they used to be and not necessarily recommended. However, traveller’s cheques issued by well-known brands can be cashed in exchange houses. Traveller’s cheques in Pounds Sterling and Euros are now as readily accepted as those in US Dollars.
Currency The currency of Mexico is the Mexican Peso (MXN; symbol M$) = 100 centavos. Notes are in denominations of M$1,000, 500, 200, 100, 50 and…
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